As part of any massage therapist's intake, they will confirm if you have any current or past illnesses. As with most therapies, this knowledge helps determine the techniques to be used for that session, or if it's safer not to receive therapy at this time. Let's dive into which illnesses can affect if you receive massage therapy or not.
How Massage Therapy Affects the Body When Healthy
Generally, massage therapy helps the healthy body maintain wellness by increasing circulation, range of motion, and by reducing pain and inflammation. For athletes, it aids in muscle recovery as well as minimizing the risk of injury during exertion. Massage therapy does this by manipulating the soft tissue in the body, improving the blood flow to tissue fibers and muscles, carrying with it oxygen and other nutrients that can speed healing and reduce inflammation. By lengthening muscles and ligaments, congestion in the tissue is relieved, thus increasing mobility. Aside from the soft tissue manipulation, the science of physical touch and aroma therapy can further deepen a client's sense of relaxation during service.
How Massage Therapy Affects the Body When Sick
Massage can affect clients with varying illnesses differently depending on what they have going on and how their body responds to massage therapy. Illnesses or inconveniences that it can help with include:
Headaches and Migraines
Multiple Sclerosis
Pregnancy Pain
Digestive Disorders
High Blood Pressure
The act of massaging the body releases endorphins and relaxes clients which can aid in alleviating anxiety, depression, high blood pressure as well as other diseases induced by stress such as certain digestive disorders. More often than not, massage studios are dimly lit with tranquil music or white noise playing softly in the background which is also conducive to sleep. When the body is relaxed and happy, the immune system is better equipped to fight off viruses and infections. By manipulating the soft tissue, the body's circulation increases which can aid in soothing pain and inflammation associated with arthritis, headaches, fibromyalgia, multiple Sclerosis, and cancer. Massage therapy also improves lymphatic drainage which calms inflammation pain associated with arthritis and cancer. By lengthening muscles and tissue, massage increases the range of motion in a client which can alleviate pain associated with arthritis, fibromyalgia, multiple Sclerosis, and some pregnancy pain. Massage therapy can stimulate the digestive system which in turn improves digestion.
Note: For conditions such as pregnancy and cancer, it's advised to receive permission from the client's doctor before receiving massage therapy since many factors are involved in these conditions.

What Illnesses are Not Safe to Receive Massage Therapy?
There's a reason why our Intake Form asks if clients have had a history or currently have specific illnesses. These affect the type of massage work that the client will receive or if it's safe to receive massage work while the client is experiencing their specific symptoms. While massage therapy can aid in the symptoms including the aforementioned illnesses, sometimes it has an adverse affect on the body. Illnesses where it is NOT recommended to receive massage therapy include:
Blood Clots
Infectious Diseases
Severe Osteoporosis
Now, it may be confusing to list both cancer and pregnancy in the categories of good to receive massage therapy for AND that it's advised not to receive massage therapy for these conditions. Why? Each case is unique to the individual and their current season in life (environment stressors, medications, ect.), so for cases like cancer and pregnancy, it's important to consult your doctor before receiving massage therapy.
Why are these illnesses listed as unsafe for massage? Since massage therapy facilitates blood flow in throughout the body as well as stimulates lymphatic drainage, this increased flow throughout the body can potentially cause an illness to spread quickly throughout the system especially if a client already has a compromised immune system. This increase in circulation can also spread infections or break up blood clots and cause them to travel to other parts of the body, instigating complications. In other cases such as severe osteoporosis, massage pressure could be too great for a client's safety.

Can Massage Therapy Prevent Illness?
By striving to maintain the body's optimal state of wellness, and in stimulating the lymphatic system, massage therapy can play a role in preserving and promoting whole body wellness and fortifying it against disease. There is increasing research of how massage therapy aids in the body's recovery of various illnesses including cancer and osteoporosis (source), but there are also other factors at play for each individual.
In Conclusion
In most cases, massage therapy is beneficial to body wellness when it is a healthy body or during illness. However, certain illnesses may require a doctor's permission before receiving massage therapy. It is always important to inform your massage therapist of any current or previous illnesses as there are precautions and protocols to adhere to in order to maintain a client's wellness during session.
AZ Marketing Masters (2024 September 28). Contraindications for Massage Therapy [blog post]. Retrieved from,massage%20if%20not%20handled%20carefully.
Hawai'i Natural Therapy (2024). The Top Twelve Diseases Massage Therapy Can Help With… [blog post]. Retrieved from
MBLExGuide (2025). Massage Contraindications & Precautions Every Therapist Should Know [blog post]. Retrieved from,the%20client's%20oncologist%20before%20proceeding.
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (2018 December). Massage Therapy for Health: What the Science Says [blog post]. Retrieved from
Additional Sources:
MBLExGuide (2025). Pathology for Massage Therapy -- Common Conditions You Should Know [blog post]. Retrieved from
Thomason, M. J., & Moyer, C. A. (2012). Massage therapy for lyme disease symptoms: a prospective case study. International journal of therapeutic massage & bodywork, 5(4), 9–14.
Werner, R. (2009 September 16). Your Clients With Lyme Disease [blog post]. Retrieved fromÂ