Have you been looking for an easy foot detox method that doesn't involve machinery or clay plastered to your feet? We have explored several options and found the Sefudun Deep Cleaning Foot Patch to test on ourselves. Here's our take on this product for your benefit!
About Sefudun
The name, "Sefudun" has no other meaning in another language. The brand is currently owned by Merelin Ltd and listed to selling cosmetics, essential oils, dermatological products among others. Although their average rating on Amazon may have room to grow, the prices for their products are affordable for most consumers.
About Sefudun Foot Patch
The Sefudun Deep Cleaning Foot Patch is aimed to aid in extracting toxins out of the body while you sleep. It uses key ingredients including bamboo charcoal, ginger powder, and wormwood extract to assist this process. Each packet contains a cotton adhesive pice and a cotton packet containing the detox ingredients -or in the newer version, these components are one piece. Sefudun claims that using these foot detox patches can aid in wight loss, halitosis, smoothing feet, restful sleep, boost metabolism, heighten energy, and eliminate foot odor.
To use, place the patch onto the adhesive piece, position on the bottom of your foot in the middle sole, and secure the adhesive around your foot. Sleep through the night, the recommended duration being eight hours. Then remove the foot patch in the morning.

Ingredients Used in this Detox
Bamboo Charcoal - A natural anibacterial material which draws out and traps toxins within its structure.
Ginger Powder - Containing antioxidants, it cleanes by stimulating digestion (ingested), boosts mood, decreases immflamation, among others.
Bamboo Vinegar - Deodorizes feet, softens skin, and improves circulation among others.
Wormwood Extract - Contains antioxidants as well as pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties.
About Detoxing Through the Feet
The majority of detoxing methods are performed either through diet or by extracting toxins through the feet. Reflexology, an Eastern medicine practice, correllates parts of the foot to various organs and functions of the body. Both tendons and meridian lines (energy currents in the body) run from the feet throughout the entire body, connecting even to the top of the head.
Many sources emphasize the limited scientific reserch to substantiate the claims that foot detoxing benefit in the body. With limited research and the most reviews based of of individual experiences, without controlled factors, it's difficult to support certain claims on a larger spectrum.

Product Assessment
Both Chase and I tried this product personally with the recommended 8 hours of sleep. Upon opening the package, we realized that we had an older version where the adhesive and foot patch were two separate pieces. Now on the Sefudun website, they have updated their product to the two-in-one adhesive and foot patch as one piece for easier application onto your foot. This is a great improvement as Chase and I had to work the product to get a secure placement on our feet, using medical tape or socks to ensure that they stay on our feet throughout the night. The packaging holds many foot patches (10 in each bag) which gives you the opportunity to continue your detox via feet for several sessions which is a usual recommendation.
Immediately after applying the product to the middle soles of our feet, we both noticed a warming sensation, more on our left foot than right (possibly due to the connection to the heart), but this awareness would shift throughout use of the product. As far as we can tell, these foot patches do a great job of drawing impurities (toxins) out through the feet. After a night of deep sleep, Chase's feet felt "light and fluffy," while I awoke to my feet and legs feeling as though I had endured a tough workout at the gym. After removing the patches and beginning my morning routine, the minor ache subsided and I was left feeling that they were lighter and primed for action.
We left the foot patches exposed to air even after removing to see if there would be any change in the visibly trapped toxins on the foot patch, but no visible change occurred. Combining our experience with many other positive reviews, we believe that this is a authentic product.
This product seems like an easily accessible option to detoxing through the feet especially for the busy individual. We each enjoyed the overall ease of application and visible extraction of toxins from our body as well as the physical shift in how our feet felt after a single use. After several uses, we only noticed a difference in feeling in our feet alone. Part of me had hoped that I would feel it throughout my body as well, but this may be due to maintaining the same diet while testing these foot patches, and for only a few sessions. The effects may be limited due to this.
Sefudun claim that these foot patches can aid in weight loss, smoothing feet, minimizing halitosis, and others. Some of these porported benefits seem outlandish, specifically weight loss which is not a quick process, but these benefits could still be related to the process of flushing toxins out of your body. However, we believe these effects would gain better progress if supplemented with other lifestyle changes, and not the foot patches alone. It is also important to note that as always, caution should be exercised by anyone with sensitive skin or other ailments.
Overall, we think this product is a good quality at a reasonable price with reasonable online ratings. If you're interested in starting a foot detox, try out this product yourself!
ImmuneSchein (2021, February 11). Best Ginger Detox & Cleanse [blog post]. Retrieved from https://immune-schein.com/blogs/elixir-recipes/best-ginger-detox#:~:text=Ginger%20is%20used%20in%20most,liver%2C%20and%20other%20organs.%E2%80%9D
Find This Best (2023). Sefudun FAQs [brand review]. Retrieved from https://www.findthisbest.com/brand/186439-sefudun
Huizen, J. (2023, December 7). What are the benefits of activated charcoal? [blog post]. Retrieved from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322609
Justia Trademarks (2023). SEFUDUN - Trademark Details [LTD listing]. Retrieved from https://trademarks.justia.com/884/61/sefudun-88461562.html
Sefudun (2023). Sefudun 2in1 Deep Cleaning Foot Patch [product listing]. Retrieved from https://sefudun.com/products/sefudun-2in1-deep-cleaning-foot-patch
Underwood, C. (2018, December 5). How Does Bamboo Vinegar Foot Detox Work? [blog post]. Retrieved from https://www.leaf.tv/5135728/how-does-bamboo-vinegar-foot-detox-work/
Wartenberg, L. (2020, January 16). What Is Wormwood, and How Is It Used? [blog post]. Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/what-is-wormwood#_noHeaderPrefixedContent
Additional Reading:
Allarakha, S. (2023). Does Detoxing Your Feet Really Work? [blog post]. Retrieved from https://www.medicinenet.com/does_detoxing_your_feet_really_work/article.htm
Ho, C. L., Lin, C. Y., Ka, S. M., Chen, A., Tasi, Y. L., Liu, M. L., Chiu, Y. C., & Hua, K. F. (2013). Bamboo vinegar decreases inflammatory mediator expression and NLRP3 inflammasome activation by inhibiting reactive oxygen species generation and protein kinase C-α/δ activation. PloS one, 8(10), e75738. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0075738
Washington Reflexology Association (2023). About WRA [blog post]. Retrieved from https://www.washingtonreflexology.org/what-is-reflexology